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Archive for February, 2009

Courageous bobcat

This week I am spending some time with the family in Tucson. It is “Big Daddy’s” 80th bird day and so the fam from far and wide flew in to pay homage to the fine gent and take advantage of a change in scenery. The weather is a bit nicer than at home (the northeast) and so, we are for the most part spending time […]

street meat

New Yorkers by and large know food. The city is stuffed with all manner of nationalities and these newcomers bring their indigenous (mm, good word, eh?) foods to the city making it one hell of a smorgasbord for the food savvy and culinary curious. Near every block in NYC has some food, almost always a pizza joint, a deli and a street […]

D.A.M. – it aint vanilla, can ya handle it?

When perusing the offerings at the IMS show, I happened upon the booth of DAM cycles.  I’ve had these guys on my radar for some time now, as their work has always been for as long as I can recall – stunning. I don’t know the granular particulars, of the shop, or its ownership – or even […]

Shamrock super squire…aging like a champ

Once a piece of work leaves the shop, I generally never see it again. I’ve learned to get over it. I don’t have a problem with my “children” needing to run free with their rightful owners. LIke a parent that needs to let the kids leave the roost, so I must say “later” to my […]