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modern man is an asshole

So – in this spot there was once a beautiful waterfront neighborhood filled with great homes..kind of like this. Huge Industry moved in, devastated the ecological environment with its detritus, scuttling of neighborhoods and creation of hamlets of indigent and factory poor.

Interstate 95 then cut the neighborhood in half stranding folks on one side and ruining a local culture…the skells and creeps moved in…the indigent moved in… taxes weren’t paid, the govenrment wound up owning the land and did what int does best – demolished it, leveled the site, threw a fence up and left it for a day when fat cats and rich folks (developers) could turn it into something to make them and their ilk money. They squat on the land letting it sit until it is “ripe”. Great, really good for the neighborhood and local culture – this creates scenes like you see here….  nice huh? Folks woke up JUST as the LAST house was being tee’d up for demolition and decided to “save” it – by moving it to a new location.

Is this saving it? Aren’t we like 30yrs too late? Do I sound like a pessimistic asshole?

I am not big on just knocking stuff down for the sake  of clearing space. Growing up in NYC, i grew up with the tenet of “got here first” and with that status comes some special consideration. Considering everything our generation makes turns to shit in a day and a half, we should be more respectful of those that came before us – that made things better and of higher quality. I truly believe that modern man has an ego the size of the Titanic that allows him to think that everything he does is smarter, everything he makes is better and that his way is THE way.

Talk about ego, oy, modern man is such an asshole. If modern man was in the bar of life, he’d be the dick we’d all avoid. He’d be the creep that dings peoples car in the parking lot and doesn’t think twice of it…modern man sucks.

So I wish that we would as a culture , give some more respect and thought to that which came before us – it wasn’t all dirt and shovels, it wasn’t all low tech. If it was  – it doesn’t mean it was crap, in any event.

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