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Tag: old school

the Continental

Back about 10 lifetimes ago, I worked at a bar call the Continental. This place was the epicenter of punk rock, cheap drinks and a good rowdy time in Buffalo, NY, a place i called home . My best friends at the time worked and/or partied there and it was 2 floors of nuttiness… Bud, […]

modern man is an asshole

So – in this spot there was once a beautiful waterfront neighborhood filled with great homes..kind of like this. Huge Industry moved in, devastated the ecological environment with its detritus, scuttling of neighborhoods and creation of hamlets of indigent and factory poor. Interstate 95 then cut the neighborhood in half stranding folks on one side and ruining a local culture…the skells and creeps moved in…the indigent moved in… taxes weren’t paid, the govenrment wound up owning the land and did what int […]