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Tag: photography

Nova Dye. very scary

No secret here, I like to visit scary places. There are some people who are urban explorers who do lots of research and really drill down into the whole thing of it all, get the full history, sniff the place out first and are highly prepped about the nature of a site, its longitude, latitude, security, etc and there are […]

Fairfield Hills Hospital, Shelton House

This was a big hospital for the mentally ill. It was open for about 63 years . It is not far from the secret location and over the years I have seen all sorts of things take place there. Movies have been shot, buildings have been knocked down and some buildings have been rehabbed and others are in the process of being rehabbed. As those who know me will attest, […]

a bit of a ramble on rediscovery…

I favor photography as a form of creative expression as much as writing, painting, drawing or even leatherwork. Many folks will say that photography is just “snapping pictures” and yes, it has an element of that undisciplined  “it’s all about the gadgets”,  casual-ness to it, but the gadgetry will only get you so far.. and in my experience, the gear doesn’t get you very […]