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Tag: shot & a beer

Vista Store

Want to pay props to the Vista market for their outstanding beer selection. I am surrounded by all manner of “lick her” stores” an for the most part – they all suck. I am sure they are good stores, but I don’t drink much but beer these days – and their beer selections stink. They vary in […]

Grays Papaya

Now we all have our guilty pleasures when it comes to “forbidden food”.  As a NYC native, I’ve got a few “best of breed” forbidden foods:pizza, fried dumplings, Cuban & pastrami/corned beef sandwiches, Challah french toast, Sopressata sausage, Eggplant/Chicken parmigiana, all kinds of crazy stinky know – stuff you just know is bad for you, and most of the […]

da Duck

The Duck is an old barge-y, boat-y thing that was converted to a “local dive bar” years ago. It is situated under an overpass, on a little unloved plot of land. The Duck is cool, and is mine an Freddy’s favorite Sunday afternoon “shot & a beer joint”. There aren’t too many of those left… […]