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New Belt for #7’s jacket

So, old #7 needs a new belt for the jacket (that was too big for me) I sold him , like 10 years ago. Seems the “cheap junk” wore out after 10 hard riding years so #7 says to me – ” i need a new belt for the jacket – and then hands me a worn out strap with the buckle broke off.. “here, take it – its broke”. So I put my hand out like an idiot and take it, hot project! To boot, it is a wide sucker necessitating my having to cut a strap special for it…ha!

Ok, so i got my way in the end…seems #7 wanted a black belt – and i just try and avoid black these is so flat and dense a color..browns are so much more interesting

…so i give the belt my usual black border treatment, but dye the belt center a super deep chocolate brown with a burgundy hit and top it off with a black overspray finish coat. In this way, as the belt ages, the deep brown/burgundy will show show as aging marks…nice!! The pics don’t really show it well…sorry.

He got it shortly thereafter, all packaged up nicey nice…another happy customer by the sounds of it. Enjoy #7!!

taper from 2 to 1.75"

taper from 2 to 1.75

pattern closeup

pattern closeup - clean and killer


#7's jacket belt

a big belt is needed to go around a jacket

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