Pepe’s Pizza
Growing up in NYC, I have a pretty good idea of what pizza is about. You’ve no doubt read my scintillating review and dissertation on New Park Pizza in Howard Beach Queens previously and i will continue the story line here.
When i moved to New England some years ago, the pizza situation was pretty bad…greasy, limp, too saucy or was vile stuff. in expressing my opinion on the “state of the pizza’ one day I was told to 1) stop compaining and 2) to try this place in New Haven called Pepe’s…because it was “the best”. Ahem, yea right…i know better than to trust my friends “the locals”.
So one weekend me and the Boss found our way to Pepe’s original location in New Haven and waited outside in a line for 30min (I have a thing about waiting….I dont) and i was good, i was patient due in large part to the Boss’s directive to “be good”. So we got in, ordered our pizza and 20min or so later we got our pie.
The pie was HUGE and was crisp to the point of being burnt, was really thin and very different to what i traditionally considered “killer pizza”. So we dug in and i liked it, good taste, the burnt crust thing was kind of weird but thats what ya get with a brick oven pizza I learned..ya see at home, we never had brick oven pizza, we had steel and gas oven pizza…the best of bourgeois.
About 5 years ago Pepe’s opened a 2nd location (and have since added a 3rd) close by the secret location, making access much simpler. Me & Freddy wandered up a few days ago to feast…and dug in so quick i never got a pic of the pie before we kilt it!
East Coast Rules!!!
- this is the extent of their marketing
- white clam pizza rocks!!
- pay attention, this is the real thing
- two people can do some damage
- Queens pizza it aint, but it is as good as it gets in CT
- all you need to know
Posted: November 12th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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