Spending a full day in the shop under fluorescent lights standing on concrete was enough to send me out into the snowstorm pummeling the area today just to get some air and move my body to an area larger than 15sq.ft. Heard on the radio there are 6 hour delays at the airports. I feel for the poor saps stuck around the country. Been there, done that, I’ve spent my time sleeping in O’Hare…not so nice…or comfy.
Well, the sno provided an opp to capture a few of my “not so green” neighbors burning oil in the front yards. Good for them. For all of you in places where the chance of seeing snow over the “Holiday’s” is remote at best, enjoy these images of the Northeast’s finest freshly fallen sno.
- messy
- beacon in the storm
- sno cone
- snow hat
- quiet on the roads
- shovelling sucks
- idyllic scene
- landing lights
- whose green?
Posted: December 20th, 2008 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: New England, thoughts on this & that
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