*big nudes* meet the new QC team for the 2009 season
ok – being a major force in the global quest to improve the design, class quotient and overall utility of leather stuff like wallets, belts, sheaths and other things of huge importance, honestly, is a burden. I’ve found that i just cant do it alone. No one I know is willing to come out into the shop and work with me. It is always some crap about my “must have music” blaring work style and the fact that I have like 16sq.inches to work (I consider it efficent and cozy, thanks) keeps folks away. Well, maybe too… its the fact that i don’t answer the door when someone is knocking and always keep it locked,…maybe that has something to do with it too. Mere details. the way I see it, if you want “in” bad enough – you’ll do just about anything. Look at TV, to see my point. People will do anything in front of, and to get in front of… a global audience, no?
So, I have to go outside my small circle of hangers-on and groupies to get Quality Control talent. All kinds of things need tending, the nuclear powered steam sewing machines, the foundry for the buckles and rivets, we got the logging division cutting timber for shipping boxes and wood to build the ships we send our stuff to china in, we got the “on the Hoof ” workers, processing hides in tanneries, I got gin mills making cotton thread when they aint making gin..I mean – we got it going on boyeee…no dust is settling on steveb leather works – no siree! 2009 is the year we just dominate. Get in or get the hell out of the way!
So to begin the year on the right foot – I fired my old Qual Control team – they sucked, they were lazy, they didn’t kiss nearly enough ass. They were doing all kinds of stupid shit – the Finance group invested our pension funds with that turd-burglar Madoff, so now I got to keep working…no quick and easy escape to the Berkshires for me I guess.. These losers did other stupid stuff, like not agreeing with me, challenging me on some of my “ideas” and other “not-so-smart” things, you don’t do if you’re interested in keeping your job.
Well, I hired some great HR talent to fill this gaping hole in our corporate hierarchy, and these big bananas cranked the handle a few times and we assembled this team of winners after a global search. It just so happens all 3 of these characters came form the same region of Western Pa – weird – but sometimes weird things happen. I mean we looked all over the world – and found the talent we need through a local ad in the paper, not even Craigs List, I mean we found this crack team through an ad in the paper!. Heidrick & Struggles be damned!
Like I said, I have high hopes for 2009. Here’s why!
We got the QC team in place, the economy is in great shape, our political system has never been in a finer state of tune, the dollar is strong! The world is filled with the spirit of global cooperation.
What do you say?
I say – Let’s Rock!
- leading the drive to ISO nirvana
- nothing gets by the top dog, especially meat
- firing up the steam powered sewing machines in the sweat shop
Posted: January 9th, 2009 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: 2009, blather, corporate news & events, crack team, high hopes
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