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Shamrock super squire…aging like a champ

Once a piece of work leaves the shop, I generally never see it again. I’ve learned to get over it. I don’t have a problem with my “children” needing to run free with their rightful owners. LIke a parent that needs to let the kids leave the roost, so I must say “later” to my units…

Well, i think about these nuggets…and often wonder just how the hell they are doing. Are their owners carrying them everyday and taking care of them…showing some respect or are they neglected and relegated to the draw only to be be busted out when it  is “riding time”? I wonder, yes indeed i do…

Well on occasion I have cause to connect with a past customer..usually they want something else from me. I often take these opportunities to ask for a few photographs of the kids they have in their possession. I feel like a parent checking up on a guardian or a babysitter in these instances.

Well just this week Mr. Shamrock Super Squire called in for a new chain for his wallet…he wants to mix it up a bit. Not being one to let a good opp. slip by, I asked if he wouldn’t please take a pic or 10 and send ‘em on. Well he did and this is my report….

Besides needing some help in the photo composition arena, I can say this: the wallet after 3-4 years, looks rockingly good…really good as a matter of fact. Mr . Shamrock Super Squire has been a good parent and I thank him for that.

So, let me give you one piece of useful information since you’ve taken the time to read my drivel. As I look at these pics, I see Mr. Shamrock Super Squire has (unknowingly) committed the one cardinal sin of leather care….. he’s bent the leather against the fold.

Leather likes  routine and once folded, it doesn’t like being folded in any other direction – especially against the bias….well spreading the wallet out like this is not so good for the leather as your going against its “natural fold”.

so – in plain english this means  that you shouldnt coil one of my belts opposite of the way you wear it, you shouldnt turn a wallet inside out or flattens it against its folds

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