a special treat for steveb
So, I don’t know about all of youse, but I dont get to see my friends nearly as much as I’d like to. Work, family, our own “chores o’ life” and our own individual circuits of activity often conspire to keep us from the folks we’d most like to see and spend time with. Peckering at a keyboard or holding a brain irradiator (cell phone) in hand just doesn’t do it for me.. and actually i hate talking on the phone.. calls rarely exceed 1:30 if you were to look at my bill. But I have to admit, I do love technology in one regard, it allows me to stay connected with my crew, flung far and wide – kind of like a car to car wave, a text keeps us in line of sight of one another, if not in lock-step.
went off a bit here…ok, anyway..
One of my favorite people is big-boy, rock star of the urban sprawl, land of concrete and overall operator and chief negotiator of the here to hey now. He is someone I definitely don’t get to see enough of, so when the opportunity appears for us to connect, i tend to shuffle the calendar of chores and obligations to make it happen. I always have a smile on my face after seeing mr. bigs.
So i am a shutterbug, I am a NYC’er, I love adventure, I absolutely love doing cool weird off the wall stuff, and I happen to know that Mr. Bigglesworth can dish up some adventure few can – a tour of the underground world of NYC – the trains and tracks that crisscross under NY – the freaking subway…really an ancient place if you think about it… I asks, can ya, can ya -huh, huh….”yea, ok” he says…and we set it on the calendar.
Well we went on tour of some really cool spots. I was blown away. After getting a rundown on safety precautions (this is a place you want to play safe and NOT fuck around), we were on our way. I will say it again – this is a dangerous place and you do NOT want to try this on your own, actually – you really don’t want to do it all. OK? Capiche?
In a word – wow – this is a photog’s dreamland with the right gear and surprisingly complex and interesting in almost every regard. Alot of history in terms of hieroglyphs, eye candy, and sense of being in the true heart of the beast all registered on me. But, make no mistake this is a place you’ve got to pay major attention.. and in this regard, I give Bigs major props – he has been down in the tube before, knows how to handle himself and I thank him for giving this NYC native a safe thrill few have had. It was really cool and I hope to go back someday…it was that nuts and that cool.
Thanks again Bigglesworth! You are the best and it was great to see you.
If you all want to see the full set of shots, go to my Flickr site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/steevenb43/sets/72157616020907730/
- not stopping here no mo
- pick your way carefully
- native markings
Posted: March 29th, 2009 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: danger, NYC, something new, thrill, trains, underground, wow
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