meet Beano
We’ve got 2 cats at the secret location. I’ve always been a cat guy and the Boss is a cat gal – so in the many years we’ve been cohabiting , we’ve always had house cats as part of our life. They suit my disposition and they are great company, really adding alot to the overall ecosystem of our household.
Both of our current cats are “saves” with pretty crazy stories behind how they came to be in our lives and at our household – both were abused and so in partial re-payment for the great cruelty that people have bestowed upon them, the Boss and I have chosen to make the rest of their days as fun and pleasure filled as we can.
yea, a little heavy – but believe me, people do some sick shit to animals – and I just cant handle it, it makes me nuts that people do things like abuse animals.
So Beano came to us as a save some 12 or so years ago as a kitten. She’d been saved as a tiny kitten by a cop who had seen a few kids kicking her after lighting her on fire. She’d gotten separated from her family and damn near killed.
She was brought to a vet by the cop, miraculously saved , gotten to a half way house where she was nursed back to health and then landed at our house as a small kitten, healed from her burns – but with a funny scar on her lip where she’d been kicked.
Beano is a funny cat, super affectionate only to the Boss and I, in her own way, in her own space, in her own time. She has a definite personality and is very catty, in an aloof sort of way. Clumsy as hell, she is funny to watch she really does’nt know how to. She’s not so big on kids….. wonder why.
More than most cats I’ve known, she loves her routines and rituals, and we are happy to oblige, because in a way – they are our rituals and routines now.
Posted: April 8th, 2009 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: Beano, cats, home
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