people watching.bryant park
One of my favortite past times – people watching in NYC
One of the best places to do it on a sunny Spring day – Bryant Park, 42nd Street and 6th Avenue.
When i first began working in NYC in the early 1980’s – this park was a rat infested, overgrown hangout for the homeless, and a lunchtime get-high spot for office workers. As with all things that have an edge to them, it needed to be cleansed, fixed and made habitable for the economically desirable masses… for the most part a good thing in this one specific case.
- things do grow here even if they didnt grow here
- 5th Avenue greenery
- good to see
- big boy talk
- well dressed tourists
- it’s all in his hand
Posted: May 20th, 2009 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: faces, NYC, people, tourists
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