lets not forget these folks, aight?
I’ve noticed that the media has stopped covering our “conflict”, police action, or whatever you want to call the waste of life, time and resources in the Middle East. Nothwithstanding my opinion that we have no business taking care of another’s house when our own is so fucked, that doesnt matter one whit when it comes to supporting the folks that our government has placed in harms way.
Our soldiers need to be top of mind and NOT forgotten by us, even if the media has “moved on” to things like Michael Jackson’s funeral and the death of Billy Mays…
Please take some advice from the blathering B…go find your own news folks – dont eat the shit that the major networks are feeding you….. seek out the news on your own – be smart, be aware, be informed and come to your own conclusions – but make the effort, at the very least to get more than the crap we’re being force fed- ok?. it is worth it, don’t ya think?
- paying props to our military!
- not a drill
- pride
Posted: July 4th, 2009 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: corporate news & events, crap, news
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