faces of NYC
faces tell alot about the world a person lives in..some faces are 10 miles of hard road and others are babes like, full of innocence and wonder.
In the workaday world in NYC, often the only break you get from your routine is if you “run down” for a smoke. I know that I looked forward to thsoe breaks when i puffed and ran that race. The only problem is the place your’e going to chill out is on the street, often a madhouse of activity, so you need to activate that special NYC gift of fabricating then going into your own space, that to the outside world, looks as if you’re meditating .
- looking for a break
- having a day….
- how’s it going pal?
Posted: September 28th, 2009 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: faces, NYC
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