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Archive for December, 2009

red shark fin wallet

Clean, classic, simple and available……. comes with a brass chain

summer sunday morning

summer sunday morning on the side of the road

half-crazed black fin’s back


Fire Island

This summer the boss and I went to Fire Island to spend the day with Pupkin & family at their rented beach house. it was a fun adventure, requiring we take a ferry, eat copious amounts of food and consume adult beverages. It was cool, a fun time in every regard.

chucks wallet is holding up!

chuck has had this wallet for a few years. he sent it to me, asking for a few snaps to be installed…no problemo.  chuck wears this wallet everyday and loves it, so he said. nice….

half-crazed black fin wallet

AVAILABLE – come and get it – comes with a brass chain!

LaManda, oh baby

LaManda is a spot we go to when we got the need to feed. Some of the very best Italian found outside of Arthur Avenue.. oh man…the antipasto, the ravioli, the bread!


this is what hooky looks like on a nice summer day…..


Is any local fair complete without a display from the military, a Monster Truck and a ride that makes you barf?

Dave’s Fine Dining

Dave has some story. I am not going to relate it all here, but suffice it to say, he had a restaurant, he made big money,  he hated it, he sold it and opened his “coach”. The food is killer and Dave is the kinda guy you want to go out of your way to […]

red sunburst fin wallet

Great color, reminds me of a guitar player i played with…his Les Paul was pretty damn close to this colorwise  and was the inspiration of this series of Fin wallets that have a sunburst guitar theme…available for sale… this wallet is ready to go and comes with a brass chain

fire, a boys amusement

when up in VT not too long ago visiting with Jason and family, he was kind enough to burn 15lbs of magazines for my amusement.