Copying is not inventing, its COPYING!
I viewed with some amusement in the digitalmotouniverse, the proclamation that big bear choppers (BBC) is releasing a “new” machine. That bit of news caused me to snerk ever so slightly, due to a few factors. The first important consideration in my snerki-ness is the moderately interesting and larcenous haze surrounding BBC, its owners the Alsop’s and a whole herd of extremely angry motorcycle riders (and suppliers) who got financially hosed in the Alsop’s last go-round with BBC – something about deposits on bikes that were never delivered – some other fiscal malfeasance, who knows… who cares what the details are, suffice it to say – it wasn’t good for ANYONE.
So one might think, these BBC people would just go away, like so many who’ve taken peoples money and have been caught. Huh? Hell no, this is the USA and its 2013 the era of : “reality” ya know – and remember – and as such we are all about reinvention, forgiveness and moving on right? Well in that vein of “oopsy , sorry about that”, the Alsop’s have reemerged from this “messiness”, newly reinvigorated, looking good and are going to go kick some butt and relaunch BBC with some NEW products.
So that’s why i was snerky.
And then my snerky turned to “huh”? and then to “wha”? when i saw the new machine that BBC is rolling out with as the demonstration of its reinvention and relaunch, like a phoenix out of the ashes. What did they go and do? They unrepentantly ripped off my favorite bike, the H-D FXR(P), rebadged it, bolted up a bunch of hipster style drama and furthermore have the gall to infer they are “finishing the job H-D started”.
Well, I am not so sure of that, on a few levels – first off being a small matter of business ethics and karma, but I wont go there (although others surely will). What kind of yanked my crank is that this is NOT new, this is NOT reinvention, this is STEALING and COPYING and where i come from, when you distill down all the mythical and stereotypical junk – bikers, we don’t steal, we don’t cheat – we are straight up inventors and crafts people and by this blatant ripping off of an H-D design, BBC has clearly shown they are not bikers, rather they are cheaters, in my humble, uninformed opinion, of course.
But BBC used Made in America parts, and are supporting the aftermarket in manufacturing this design, and its H-D they are stealing from, so it’s OK right?
So check it – its not cool to steal an idea or a design, its not cool to copy something in any way shape or form without expressed permission of those that invented it and its not cool to support people who steal, copy and cheat. I am surprised the aftermarket would support a venture – such as this, as they’d surely howl if someone did to them, as what BBC is doing to H-D. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander…no?
So for those of you who are new to this dialogue… here is a little gallery of FXRP machines – all started off as stock and some have been customized. Now I’ll freely admit, the FXRP is not the handsomest machine, but I like it and it is functional as hell. Its like Boxers vs. briefs – one isn’t better, they just hug you differently. There is a reason my beloved FXR has been rediscovered by the in-crowd and the re-inventors of history – who chase the latest craze and embrace it as if they invented it – its a great machine.
- customized HD
- H-D Police Equipped
- Customized H-D
- Customized H-D
- BBC Titanium, a copy by any measure
Now this is the BBC offering: does anyone see a problem here?
Bigger, burlier and fitted with modern parts – but it is still an H-D ripoff.
Posted: March 8th, 2013 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: cheats, liars