I like to visit. I especially like visiting when I am on 2 wheels because the reception is always better when you get to your destination on a bike, and as we all know – riding is waaay better than driving in a cage, no matter how nice the cage may be.
I like going places, seeing things, meeting new folks, hearing new stories and basically absorbing the last few scraps of what is left of “real” Americana. What do I mean by “real” Americana? Ha – I could write a book about what I feel is the decaying and diluted core of our country and culture – but I will not write that book here….. it’s too damn close to election time to get all a rantin’.
Anyway, this country is alot of fun if you get outside the urban blah and into squirrel country and mix it up with the locals. I’ve learned that if you shutty-uppy and use your listening muscle, you can learn alot about folks and the places they live in and are proud of. Nuttin’ better than listening to a proud local tell you of the happenin’s and events of the locale to bring it to life and make a lasting impression.

being on this road, on a sunday morning, on a motorcycle is a good thing
Luckily for me, I’ve got a posse of people I consider friends scattered about the land. And them’s is the one’s I like to visit most. Whenever i get on the bike for a blast, my compass nearly always takes me North. Rarely do i head South. North is where the wide-open spaces are, where the trees are, where the squirrels are and where there is less traffic and a better type of road. I also have some friends who live in the North, and i like to abuse their hospitality. South? how does the spectre of passing through New Jersey, unbearable traffic, crazier drivers, bad roads, high population density and no eye candy sound….well thats what is served if you head South from my place. Me? If I only have quick weekend to roll up and back…I head Norte…
So much for a quick setup! Brevity isn’t a strong suit with me, as if you didn’t know.

the hosts
Anyway – this past weekend afforded me a “visiting” bonanza. First up on the dance card was a party that was being hosted for the 10th year by my friend Ken and his wife Kathy. Ken & I are members of an elite group that goes by the moniker “Assholes”. Long story there, that I will not bore you with here. So anyway, Ken and Cathy (his wife) host this hoedown up in the nether regions of Northern Vermont.This shindig gives me an opportunity to see a few other friends as well as Ken and so it is a “must” attend. The first time we held this party was 10yrs ago and so this year was an anniversary of sorts. 10 years?? man o man, where does the time go?

there is a smile in there somewhere, i think

bear & don
Anyway – Kens party was good: fine food, beverages, musci playlist, people, good weather – and a good destination, far enough away from home (400mi+/-) so I felt like i really got some mileage in. Ahh, the ride…hmmm..let me share that with you. The weather is changing as we are all aware (except SoCal folks who lack seasons, poor bastards) so when i got up 0-dark-30 on Saturday AM – it was 40 degrees outside. Brisk, very brisk.
So in response – I put on my thermals, chaps and electric jacket. Man, I love that electric jacket, got it in May as a Bday gift from Cat and it saved my butt in Nova Scotia – and it did it again on this trip. Some might say I am a puss, I am soft, I am a wienie – but let me tell you friends: when you have 400mi to travel and its 40 degress outside and your looking at a solid 6hrs on the bike with an 80mph wind chill – you say ” weinie be damned”, let me be comfortable an warm (and by virtue of that-safe). I was geared up and and hit the road, made killer time on a bluebird skies morning. Wore my standard NYC go to warfare outfit, doubled up leathers, jockey helmet and bandanna. Stylin’!! The chaps, as gay as they might be, work great when its cold as shite and besides, i got them free when i was working at American Iron, so keep yer hatin’ to yourself, ok? ha!

bring NYC style to the wilds of the Northern Kingdom in Vermont
The ride was pretty uneventful, except for the hoover’ing of cash from my wallet every time I stopped for fuel. The one notable and equally regrettable event was the running down of the dumbest and most unlucky grouse that ever had the misfortune to step in front of a bike. This dumb bird walks onto a busy highway and STOPS – right in front of me.

this was one bloody mess, kind of hard to see

good thing I had my lower fairings on when this happened
So I tried swerving around him – but didnt do so good. Mr. Grouse met the very tip of my front wheels axle – and exploded in a cloud of feathers and gore. Freaked me out, killed Mr. Grouse and left blood & guts all over the Shiny Penny. Dont get me wrong, I love animals, have a soft spot for strays an abused (by humans) animals – and so got no thrill whatsoever from this unfortunate meeting of animal and machine. Actually, i felt pretty bad about it and still do. I pulled over to survey the damage a mile or two down the road, no damage to me or the bike, but it did leave my bike a bit bloodied and left Mr. Grouse ready for his next karmic reincarnation…as a highway officer who has a thing for bikers, no doubt. Justice served warm.
So, I pulled into Ken’s a quick few hours later and commenced to liberate a few tasty beverages from the cooler and a few meat pucks from the Q. All good. Seeing my friends was great. We told lies and shared stories all afternoon.
Being the greedy sort of visitor – I doubled up on this trip. I made arrangements with my friend Jason (of Iron Thread fame) to meet at the party and subsequently ride back to his new house a few clicks south to spend some time with his family. Well, Jason showed up – had a frosty libation, ate a dead thing off the grill and we headed back to his new crib. Wow, what a great house he scored on. A ton of acreage, killer views, a pretty new house and a garage to die for. Jason done good and I was pleased as punch to see him score such a great crib. His kids and wife look to be settling in and so I suspect Jason will be in this place for a good long time.

view off Jason's back porch
Spent the night at Jason’s, got up early the next day, knocked down a cup or three of Joe – hit the road at 9am , rode like the wind and made it back home by 2pm- 5 hours total, with stops – a new record. 800 miles for the weekend.
Making time when rolling alone is easy.
Got home, showered and then went to another event – dinner at my sisters house along with my nephews JV Soccer team!
Yeeha, I love when weekends present the opportunity to visit and are action packed!