Vista Store
Want to pay props to the Vista market for their outstanding beer selection. I am surrounded by all manner of “lick her” stores” an for the most part – they all suck. I am sure they are good stores, but I don’t drink much but beer these days – and their beer selections stink. They vary in terms of cost by a buck of two but there are really only two stand-outs when you want something other than a Curs, and I for one, never want to drink that shit..(unless it is ICE cold and hot as hell out) – BevMax, this sorta kinda chain store with a “big store” presentation. The have wine reps doing tasting and all kinds of shit on a regular basis and their prices are pretty cheap. I’d be on the BevMax gravy train if it weren’t for two things.
The first is that I like to avoid what me and the Boss call “crazy town”, a wacky and kind of psycho part of town where car insurance is optional, as is English – and guess what? BevMax is damn near in the epicenter of Crazy Town…niiiccce..a-ight..boyeee??. Looking at the cats driving in Crazy Town, you’ll see 5th or 6th owner Accord’s, Camry’s and Maxima’s. You dont want to spend much time in crazy town if you don’t have to. The other reason I am not diggin on BevMAx is that none of their guys drink beer, or can tell you about a brew or make a recco. I am all about trying something new, but a knowledgeable recco is a good thing and I don’t mind paying a few bucks more at a store if they know their shit and know my taste in a brew. Feedback is pretty important if you want your beverage guy to make good recco’s…know what I mean? The English language barrier thing is kind of a bummer and I am not going to learn SpanChingLish so I can order beer, know what i am saying?…
So the Vista Market is in the middle of nowhere (in Vista actually, just south of Squirrel Country, as the crow flies) and has a rocking adult beverage selection. Not the biggest cooler, but an absolutely stellar and broad selection of all kinds of Micro’s from hither and yon…very cool…AND THEY SELL BEER ON SUNDAYS..ha – ya cant friggin beat that…now canya, aye? So I picked up a 4pack of Midas, stuffed it in the tourpak of the Shiny Penny….and shot home…all good! Props to the Vista Store!
- Welcome!
- NOT conveniently located
- why here?
Posted: May 28th, 2009 under riding & road tripping, thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: beer, motorcycles, out there, riding & road tripping, shot & a beer, Vista
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