the Continental
Back about 10 lifetimes ago, I worked at a bar call the Continental. This place was the epicenter of punk rock, cheap drinks and a good rowdy time in Buffalo, NY, a place i called home . My best friends at the time worked and/or partied there and it was 2 floors of nuttiness…
Bud, the owner (now long dead) gave me a break when i really needed one and for that I will be ever thankful. He also gave my band a break and man, we sucked, but it was great – those were good silly times when we had not a clue what lay ahead – nor did we really care. I look at that skinny kid with the ponytail and the Continental t-shirt and i have to ask – “who are you?”…
Good friend Don & I were in Bflo some time back at the same time and decided to stop by the Continental and see what was left of our most favorite of places. Aint much left, this is the last spot standing on a grim gloomy block…its gonna be next to fall…. This storied and famous place is gonna disappear. What a damn shame…
Here’s to rock & roll, crazy bars, the people that inhabit them and being young, clueless, careless and stupid! *clink*
- a landmark in my life
- Don, getting last licks
- supporting in 1980
Posted: September 2nd, 2009 under thoughts on this & that, Uncategorized.
Tags: Buffalo, old school
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