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Archive for July, 2014

Yep, it’s the Speedo

Ok,come and get it, i mean, the Speedo rules. This isn’t the banana hammocky kind of Speedo either. this speedo is a kickass piece of leather craft:  the Speedo sheath & tool is a one-of-a-kind custom sheath case partnered up with a brand new Leatherman (the best) Rebar tool (also the best of their offering). […]

The Fancy Pants 1″ dress belt

I am acknowledging my white collar roots here… I will say with some degree of confidence – that finding decent belts for suits or dress “slacks” is darn near impossible. I mean, all of the shoe brands sell, what we’ sadly  consider “nice”, dress belts – but they are expensive, soulless pieces of foreign made […]