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Tag: fun


Is any local fair complete without a display from the military, a Monster Truck and a ride that makes you barf?

bottom feeder humor

remember when this was funny? I admit, it still cracks me up.

the scene in .jp

I am a big fan of the Japanese two-wheel street scene. There is a cut&paste art component attached to this culture and i think it is great. These guys are so rowdy, smart and subversive – i cant help but smile when i see their work! We need some more  of this in NYC, methinks… The art […]

good night out with the nephew

Saw a good show with the nephew the other night. Well, actually half the show was good. The Edgar Winger half of the show absolutely rocked.  The Johnny half was not so impressive with Mr. Winter being seated, obviously not well and really not performance ready. I saw him years ago and he was great, super high energy, bar […]

da Duck

The Duck is an old barge-y, boat-y thing that was converted to a “local dive bar” years ago. It is situated under an overpass, on a little unloved plot of land. The Duck is cool, and is mine an Freddy’s favorite Sunday afternoon “shot & a beer joint”. There aren’t too many of those left… […]