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Archive for May, 2009

Mike the Painter’s Fin Wallet

Doing work for artists and creative people is always a bit intimidating. Mike is a painter who sent me one fuzzy scan of a picture and instructions to do what I do…perfect!

a bit of a ramble on rediscovery…

I favor photography as a form of creative expression as much as writing, painting, drawing or even leatherwork. Many folks will say that photography is just “snapping pictures” and yes, it has an element of that undisciplined  “it’s all about the gadgets”,  casual-ness to it, but the gadgetry will only get you so far.. and in my experience, the gear doesn’t get you very […]

say bye to April

Say bye to April, hello to May. In celebration here are some tasty bits from the past month  to keep you engaged [youtube][/youtube]